"The Mary Tyler Moore Show," faces off against the notorious radio personality, Opie from the "Opie and Anthony" show. In this clip, tensions rise, leading to Asner dubbing Opie "the destroyer." With Joe Rogan filling in for Anthony, the situation becomes even more unpredictable. This isn't just a game of cards; it's a showdown of personalities. Join us for: A rare glimpse into celebrity interactions outside the glitz and glamour. The raw, unfiltered reaction from Ed Asner, showcasing his fiery side. Insight into the controversial humor style of Opie and Anthony, which often stirs the pot. Whether you're a fan of poker, celebrity dramas, or just curious about the clash between old Hollywood and shock jock radio, this video has it all. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and hit the bell for more exclusive content where entertainment meets reality.