Just hours before Opie is about to hit the record button for a highly anticipated podcast at Gebhard's in NYC... he has a few things to take care of. So come along with our host as he meets up with The Cuban for a little bit of conversation and a quick bite to eat... Then it's a time-jump over to Vic as they cut through Central Park, check out a topless lady... and even walk by the famous Dakota building. It all leads up to our boys getting back together with Sherrod Small... for what will be the 18th episode of Opie Radio!
The Dead Fish Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Hlge9i7Anw
The Dakota/Lennon Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRNM2Ygi0D0
Here's Carl and Vic online: https://twitter.com/carlruiz and https://twitter.com/VicHenley