Opie and the gang return to Gebhards in NYC! Chef Carl Ruiz, Chris Distefano, and friends of the show discuss fruity cocktails, beer, ghosts, black & white cookies, Madonna, Greek Salads, and a surprise guest calls into the show! Let's put it this way- A lot happens in this fun-filled episode 10!
We all know Chef Carl: https://twitter.com/carlruiz
Chris is a very funny man who pisses Carl off a lot: https://twitter.com/chrisdcomedy
William Shear - Chef to Madonna and others. Restaurant consultant and kitchen/bar designer. Creator of the Smashula with partner, George Motz: http://www.williamshear.com/clients/
Gloria Chabot is Carl's sous chef and awesome baker. Also, a perineal supplier of Berger Cookies from Baltimore: https://twitter.com/googontheroad
Robert Mathers - Westwood One Suit: https://twitter.com/rdmathers
Tim Sabean - The man who brought Opie to The Westwood One Podcast Network: https://twitter.com/TimSabean