Opie strolls into NYC’s Gebhard's Beer Culture with his faulty podcast gear. While setting up, his guests arrive... one by one... for a free-flowing raw conversation. They talk beer, the early years, drink beer, tell a story or two about fellow comedians, drink more beer, have exchanges about first world problems like getting their kids into the best schools of NYC, the “N” word, baseball, celebs, racist wrestling names, and the boys even rate a few girls in the bar. All this... with a few surprises along the way. So grab a beer or a stiff drink (if you’re not driving), and join the boys for some real talk at Gebhards! Thanks for listening, downloading, and subscribing to… Opie Radio!
https://www.beerculture.nyc/gebhards/ Matt
Vic Henley https://twitter.com/VicHenley