The sound of his neighbour’s gates opening piqued Graham’s curiosity. He got out of bed and went to the window to see the Raggetts’ blue Jaguar reversing into the drive. The house on Chester Close was bordered by high walls and had enough space to park several vehicles. As soon as Lew Raggett stepped out of the car, two figures emerged from the shadows carrying a baseball bat and a knife…
PLEASE LISTEN TO ‘SEASON 9 - EPISODES 48 & 49’ FOR PARTS ONE AND TWO OF THIS THREE-PART CASE. Investigators wanted to get justice for the World’s End victims, but they would need the law to be changed in order for that to happen (Part 3 of 3)…
PLEASE LISTEN TO ‘SEASON 9 - EPISODE 48’ FOR PART ONE OF THIS THREE-PART CASE. The murders of several women in Scotland in the 1970s went unsolved. During a case review into the 1978 murder of 17-year-old Mary Gallacher in 2000, a suspect was identified through DNA comparison. He was arrested and brought to trial (Part 2 of 3)…
Over the course of two years, several young women in Glasgow disappeared after nights out, echoing a terrifying period for...
John McCullough had missed yet another doctor's appointment, which raised concerns for the receptionist at the GP practice in Chelmsford. Thinking back, she couldn’t recall the last time she had seen John or his wife Lois…
The dog seemed determined to get to something in the undergrowth, and much to his owner’s annoyance, he pulled relentlessly against the lead. Curiosity got the better of his handler. What was his pet so interested in? As he entered the copse, the officer almost stumbled over the partially naked body of a young woman…
Passing through the hotel's hallway, one guest noticed something strange — a figure slumped against the wall outside room 25. As they got closer, the guest saw, to their horror, that the young woman...
A young woman lay motionless on the ground, curled up—her body halfway under a car. Steve asked her if she was okay, but she didn’t answer. Motorists, suddenly stuck behind Steve’s taxi, got out of their vehicles to see what was going on. In a team effort, one person called for an ambulance, while others rushed to get blankets or jumpers to help keep the injured woman warm...
PLEASE LISTEN TO ‘SEASON 9 - EPISODE 42’ FOR PART ONE OF THIS TWO-PART CASE. Sparse details of an alleged exorcism emerged at Leeds Crown Court when Michael Taylor was found not guilty by reason of insanity for killing his wife, Christine. In an almost unprecedented move, the coroner decided it would be in the public interest to reopen the inquest so that the full story would be held on record... (Part 2 of 2).
Not a usual sight when minding your own business, a man appeared in the doorway, completely naked apart from socks on his feet. It took a few seconds for Thomas to realise that the man’s face, hands, and body were drenched in blood. Before Thomas could react, the man looked directly at him and spoke the words: “I rebuke thee in the name of Satan”… (Part 1 of 2).
Julia Beal was under the impression that her daughter was on a residential school trip in Cumbria. When she learned that wasn't the case and no one had seen her since March 6th, Fiona’s mother reported her daughter missing. A high-risk missing persons inquiry was launched. According to colleagues, Fiona Beal had been going through a tough time, and they were worried she would do something drastic…
Monday mornings were typically quiet. However, on August 23rd, 1971, four men wearing dark glasses and hats stormed into the shop. Joseph thought fast and ducked down