In this second installment from our adventures in Nantucket, Opie, Carl, Sherrod, and VIc take the stage at Nantucket Dreamland Theater! In top-form, they improvise a performance that includes tales of their most recent escapades on the island, invite a few audience members to join them for the fun, and drop a bunch of one-liners along the way...
Opie lands in Nantucket to meet up with Sherrod Small and Vic Henley. They talk hydrangea (yes, they actually do), small planes, rich people, the Cuban's escapdes, after party-life, the 2018 Nantucket Comedy Festival, and even chat with, Ron White. Not long after, they catch-up with Chef Carl Ruiz, and the party goes to 11! It's a slice of life...
Opie kicks off ep 23 by touching base with The Cuban, who's now invaded Nantucket! They discuss Carl's escapades thus far as our host makes his way through Staten Island to the home of comedian/actor, Mike Boccetti.
Once inside our guest's house, you'll get a tour, meet Tony (Mike's brother and breakout star of this episode), his friend, Sal, the...
Opie takes a walk through Times Square to interview, James Murray (Author of Awakened - A Novel and host from TV's Impractical Jokers). Along the way he meets a film-maker, smells a lot of weed, stops to watch a guy play buckets, and gives a rapper a chance to be heard by his listeners. He finally makes his way to Jack Dempsey's in NYC to meet up...
The voyage continues with Opie, Carl,and Matt Farah from, The Smoking Tire, talking the Tesla, those so called... self-driving cars, Carl confessing to crushing high school girls... while he was still in high school...of course... and Opie making an excuse to do a podcast so he could actually go fishing. As waves start to threaten on the Long...
Opie & Carl are invited on a yacht for episode 20! Matt Farah (all around great guy and host of The Smoking Tire youtube channel/podcast), awaits our dynamic duo as they make their way to the dock. On the way, Opie practices his annoying "rich guy" voice, they stop for coffee (awkward moment spoiler alert!), talk about the Kennedy family, some...
Here's a mini-pod brought to you by Opie Radio! This episode features Carl Ruiz with Ben Perry, and goes deep into the beer we know as... The Pilsner!
While you're here, take a listen to a great podcast with Ben!
Of course, here's the one and only Carl:
Opie is joined by Carl Ruiz, Vic Henley, Sherrod Small, and Nick Solares for a fun-filled conversation about Ariana Grande, dogs (not so fun), food, music, friendship, comedy, confrontations, divorce, girls, swans, and the long awaited "Shaman" story! All taped live at Gebhards in NYC:
Just hours before Opie is about to hit the record button for a highly anticipated podcast at Gebhard's in NYC... he has a few things to take care of. So come along with our host as he meets up with The Cuban for a little bit of conversation and a quick bite to eat... Then it's a time-jump over to Vic as they cut through Central Park, check out a...
Opie escapes a possible threat with Carl on the mean streets of NYC, and then he decides... that now would be a good time to record another podcast episode. They discuss nerds, girls, global warming, relationships, work, and even go deep with some personal stuff from the past. Just when things start to get even deeper... something interesting...
The Big Apple BBQ concludes with this episode...
It's food, drinks, laughs, and a cast of many in this two part series! Opie steps a little deeper into the world of Chef Carl Ruiz. This time, for the annual Big Apple BBQ! Just wait to you hear some of the tales and jokes from these southern foodies! Lots of charm, pithy comments, and...
It's food, drinks, laughs, and a cast of many in this two part series! Opie steps a little deeper into the world of Chef Carl Ruiz. This time, for the annual Big Apple BBQ! Just wait to you hear some of the tales and jokes from these southern foodies! Lots of charm, pithy comments, and that's just Opie and Carl! You'll fall in love with some...